Combatting Censorship in Turkey
The project "Combatting Censorship and Discrimination against Journalists with Intersecting…

Advancing Media Literacy in a Wider Community
In collaboration with CRISP and CPS, this follow-up project continues to address the pressing…

Alliance for Gender-Responsive and Inclusive Recovery of Ukraine
Joining powers to support inclusive recovery efforts in Ukraine.

German-Ukrainian Dialogue – Fostering Democratic Exchange
Disinformation is a symptom of anti-democratic movements. To effectively counter it, genuine…

Fighting Fake News in a Culture-Sensitive Manner
In the face of the rising threat of disinformation, we are supporting educators, recognizing their…

The pre-conference of the Ukraine Recovery Conference 2024
The official pre-conference of the Ukraine Recovery Conference 2024 "Diaspora and the Global…

The PEACEGAME (Principles of Peace)
We are thrilled to announce our partnership with the Principles for Peace Foundation to use…

CRISP at Cafe Kyiv 2024
CRISP was one of the partners of Café Kyiv 2024 which is aimed at strengthening support for Ukraine…

Book Presentation: "Ukraine in Focus: Recognizing Propaganda, Understanding Facts"
On 26.02 at Berliner Landeszentrale für politische Bildung, CRISP together with Open Platform e.V.…

Conference "Voices From Around the Globe"
In a collaborative effort, the German Federal Foreign Office and CRISP organized the international…

Advancing Media Literacy and Democratic Resilience in Armenia
In a collaborative effort between CRISP and CPS, the project “Advancing Media Literacy and…

Time for Refugees
Working with trauma and supporting (re-)integration into local communities of Ukrainian and Georgian…

U-Power – Female Leadership in Peacebuilding
Fostering socio-economic recovery of Ukrainian refugee women in Moldova and enhancing civic…

SHAREK (Participate)
Sharek aims to empower young individuals in Jordan by increasing their participation in the public…

Digital Capacity Building "Sport for Development"
CRISP, in collaboration with GIZ, is running a two-year initiative to enhance digital capacity…

Café Kyiv – We Choose Freedom
On 27.02.2023, one year since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the “Cafe Kyiv“ event organized by…

Gaming for Peace – Youth Involvement in Peace and Development
In cooperation with GIZ we are improving competencies of young people in Northern Mindanao to engage…

African UN Youth Delegate and Representative Program AUNYD
As a follow up of the previous UN Youth Delegates and Representatives project in Sudan, this…

E-participation in Palestine
In cooperation with GIZ INDIGO, CRISP is running a consultancy that aims to familiarize Palestinian…

Help for refugee helpers
Training series for refugee aid workers - structures of refugee aid and necessary skills

Strengthening resilience in dealing with crises and conflicts
As consortium of three experienced actors in peacebuilding, we feel highly motivated to support the…

Cultural Diplomacy to Counter Disinformation
Participants from Eastern Partnership countries united at the international conference for…

The first-ever National Women ́s Conference for Peace in Cameroon
Cameroonian Women at the center of peace processes

Policing the Policy
Municipal governments Europe adopt youth policies to improve the quality of life for the local youth…

Action for Regional Climate Help (ARCH)
The project aims to empower Youth-Led Organizations (YLO) in terms of cooperation, local project…

Constitutional Process in Chile - Adolescentes para el Proceso Constituyente
The project PRESENTES aims to increase political participation of excluded youth in Chile during the…

Supporting Local Peacebuilders in Yemen
In the course of this project we developed a tailor-made simulation game with the aim of…

Local Councils in Egypt - Y-LEAD for Active Citizenship
Increasing participation of youth and women in the Egyptian Local Council Elections, by raising…

Synergies - Egyptian and German Peacebuilders
This project aims to create collaborations and opportunities for discussion with Egyptian and German…

Wer regiert Neuland?
The entry of the AfD into parliament and the decline in the election results of the mainstream…

Equal Opportunities in Egypt
We are implementing several components of GIZ's project "Equal Opportunities and Sustainable…

UN Youth Representatives Sudan
The project aims to support and guide the first generation of the UN Youth Representatives from…

A Renewed Transatlantic Relationship (2030)
The project provides spaces and opportunities for young people in Germany to actively address those…

Interreligious and gender-sensitive peacebuilding (Mindanao)
"Gaming for Peace“ has been a six-month project aimed at contributing to gender-sensitive,…

CEEM - Civic education with emancipatory methods
How to increase the quality and effectiveness of Civic Education in Georgia? CRISP with partners has…

YouPi – Promoting Youth Participation in Moldova
Together with our partner “Diversity” and with support of the German Federal Foreign office, we…

Wer regiert Berlin 2021?
Gespannt blicken wir auf das „Superwahljahr“ 2021 und damit auch auf die anstehenden…

"TAYA" - Training European Youth Workers on anti-discrimination-education
TAYA -Training Active Youth Workers in Anti-Discrimination-Education aims at enabling European youth…

K2Games - Learning by Playing
K2Games project makes education on the topics of sustainability, environment, and health easy and…

Localized Gender-Awareness for Humanitarian Trainings
Humanitarian workers and organizations based in Jordan will develop their own community-led…

Masarna – Effective Civic Engagement in Jordan
The project aims to contribute to the government’s efforts, by increasing the capacities of local…

Women Focused Networks – Women’s Rights Are Human Rights
This CRISP project worked with women in the South Caucasus in strengthening their human rights…

Solving socio-environmental Conflicts in Bolivia
In cooperation with Civil Peace Service (CPS) we developed a tailor-made simulation game and this…

Hidden Memories – Follow Up
After the successful development of a smartphone application “Hidden Memories” in 2017, we are…

CCP Synergy – Tunisia & Algeria
In collaboration with jeunes leaders de Tunis (Youth Leader Association of Tunis) and Amnesty…

Women Focused Networks – Women’s Rights are Human Rights
Local support circles of women in six rural areas in the South Caucasus build their capacity in…

SIMschool – Teaching Human Rights in Ukraine
In cooperation with the biggest teachers’ movement in Ukraine EdCamp, and the European Union we…

Y-LEAD – Creating Civic Spaces for Active Citizenship
Increasing participation of youth and women in the Egyptian Local Council Elections, by raising…

Fighting Right-Wing Radicalization (Banja Luka)
In the frame of the “Bosnia-Herzegovina Resilience Initiative” program, CRISP conducted a project…

Peace & Conflict Consultants in Kyrgyzstan
The project is a direct continuation of ‘Peace and Conflict Kyrgyzstan’, which was started in 2018.…

Civic Education Simulation for Georgian Schools
Training teachers in the method of simulation games for civic education.

Women Focused Networks South Caucasus
Opening a dialogue about the challenges faced by women in the South Caucasus.

A Vision for Jordanian Youth 2030
Since more than one third of the Jordanian population is youth under 30, the Kingdom of Jordan…

Nigerian Pathway to Peace
The project “Nigerian Pathway to Peace” aims to establish elements of peace education and media…

Handbook on Peace Practice in Eastern Partnership and Russia
Within the project “Peace and Conflict Consultant” we created a handbook “Peace Practice: Theory and…

Youth and Religion in Kyrgyzstan
In the frame of the consultancy for GIZ Kyrgyzstan, CRISP has conducted a workshop for developing a…

Peace and Conflict Consultants Kyrgyzstan
Kyrgyzstan is considered to be the most liberal and open state in Central Asia. However, the country…

Peace and Conflict Consultants - Eastern Partnership
“Frozen” conflicts, political and economic instability, weak democracy and corruption continue being…

Simulating Egyptian Transition
The SET project series aims to transform stereotypes and mindsets to reduce conflicts between…

Panel Meeting on Economic Integration of Migrants
The Eastern Partnership Panel on Migration and Asylum (EaPPMA) Meeting on the Economic Integration…

Networking-Conference: Funding Program "Eastern Partnership and Russia"
On September 14, 2017 over 70 representatives of organizations, which implement projects in the…

Youth and Religion in Kyrgyzstan
In the frame of a consultancy for GIZ Kyrgyzstan, a tailor-made simulation game and workshop format…

D.R.E.A.M is a two years project in cooperation with DVV International, IRM and Youth of Osh in…

Hidden Memories - Euromaidan 2013/14 in Kyiv
In collaboration with local partners we will develop an app that will allow smartphone users to…

Peace + Conflict Consultant
The training course Peace and Conflict Consultant aims to train young people from Azerbaijan,…

Peace Practice
Peace Praxis creates space for actors from programme and EECA partner countries to learn about and…

Peaceful Dialogue in Kyrgyzstan
The "Peaceful Dialogue in Kyrgyzstan" project is going in its third round with a focus on the…

Simulating Egyptian Transition IV
The starting point of the project is the current situation in Egypt. Increasing social and economic…

Social Leader Forum
The Social Leader Forum aimed at exploring innovative ways of tackling the problem of employability…

Social Dialogue Ambassadors
In recent years, Kenya has increasingly faced the challenge of youth radicalization and violent…

Increasing accountability of local politicians
The question of how to hold politicians accountable is crucial when it comes to establishing a…

Training Course: Peace and Conflict Consultant
The training course Peace and Conflict Consultant aims to train young people from Azerbaijan,…

Peaceful Dialogue in Kyrgyzstan
The project ‘Peaceful Dialog – Fighting Religious Extremism in Kyrgyzstan’ is the continuation of…

Shaping Caucasus
Given the lack of involvement of the youth in politics of Russia and the Caucasus region, this…

Peace and Conflict Consultant
The project is dedicated to train local experts from the involved countries in the field of peace…

German Refugee and Migration Policies
The workshops that were conducted in the course of this project focused on the phenomenon migration…

Urban Development on the Tempelhof Airfield
Since the successful referendum, which prevented the construction of buildings on the former…

A Vision for Egypt 2025
A Vision for Egypt 2025 (SET III) is the most recent project out of a series which started in 2012.…

Peaceful Dialogue
The project ‘Peaceful Dialog’ will bring together young adults from the civil society and…

Introduction to peacebuilding & conflict management
Participants got introduced to the general concept of peace building and conflict management.…

All different- all equal: (Re)ACT against discrimination
The project "All different - all equal: (Re)ACT against discrimination" bought together 26 young…

Fighting Right-Wing Populism in Europe
"Fighting Right-Wing Populism in Europe" is a series of seminars in which a simulation game was…

Simulating Egyptian Transition - Phase 2
This project is the continuation of our previous engagement in 2012. Back then we were thinking how…

Simulating Caucasus
Together with our partner organization Centre for Network Initiatives’ Support we conducted a two…

Peaceful Coexistence
The overall goal of the project ‘‘Youth for Peaceful Coexistence‘‘, was to provide the space for…

Joint Civic Education - Social Leader Forum
Social Leader Forum is the follow-up to Joint Civic Education's Cross-Border Program and was first…

Simulating Egyptian Transition
The project aimed to support the ongoing democratic transformation process in Egypt. By promoting…

The goal of SimVISION was to develop a common vision for the South Caucasus and by this contribute…

People Power - Transition in Belarus
During the process of transition towards a stable democratic political system, elections are a…

Joint Civic Education
Social Leader Forum is the follow-up to Joint Civic Education’s Cross-Border Program which was first…

Conflict Simulation Game Seminar Balkans 2010
This project was a continuation of our previous activities in the Balkan. In order to systematically…

Conflict Simulation Game: Kosovo
The ConSim Kosovo project is the direct follow-up of our first seminar in 2008. Again, 24…