Simulation Game Transolvia with IfA Cross Cultural Interns

Twenty three Cross Cultural Interns played the simulation game Transolvia to learn about civil society.

On 13. and 14. November twenty three members of civil society from diverse countries who are currently working in Germany as Cross Cultural Interns with IfA (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen) came together in Berlin to participate in the game Transolvia. Transolvia gives participants the opportunity to take on the roles of civil society members, government representatives and international donors interacting to implement new laws, new cooperations and new funding opportunities in the fictional country.

The participants are members of civil society in their own countries and were able to benefit from the chance to take on a different perspective and learn the nuances in the relationships between civil society, goverment and donors. After the one-day simulation game, participants engaged in a second day of discussion on the topics of shrinking spaces for civil society, the relationship between civil society, government and the international community in their own countries, and the lessons learned from the simulation game.