
Welcome to our New Project Coordinator Steph

A very warm welcome to Stephanie Buljugic, who joined CRISP in January 2020.

Stephanie studied Social Work (Sozialpädagogik) focussing on adult pedagogics and conflict resolution. Developing a taste for the world, she soon dove into an internship with the Forum Civil Peace Service, through which she met with a network of great people and was asked to join the Nonviolent Peaceforce – in their basic training she first got to know the craft of Simulation Games.

After three years with them in Sri Lanka Stephanie moved on to work with other NGOs like ACTED, Malteser International and UN OCHA in the fields of human and children’s rights and humanitarian aid in countries such as Pakistan, South Sudan, Kenya and Somalia. Her main personal interest whilst working was Children’s Rights, conflict resolution and reconciliation as well as Civil-Military-Coordination.

More recently, after getting back in touch with her social worker’s roots, she decided there needed to be more peace and conflict resolution again in her life, and she is now with CRISP in the capacity of Project Coordinator.