
Study Visit from Kyrgyzstan

We have hosted a delegation of our project partners from Kyrgyzstan for a study visit to Berlin between the 11th and 17th of September.

The group, consisting of Government officials, Representatives of State Agencies, Youth Organisations and Media came to Berlin to learn about the cooperation between the German State and religious organisations on one hand and different approaches to the prevention of radicalization and violence on the other. In order to receive a comprehensive image, CRISP has organized meetings at the Ministry for Interior Affairs, the Integrational Officer of Berlin-Neukölln, the youth organization, DJO, and the media-NGO, N-Ost. Additionally we met the co-worker of the Violence Prevention Network and visited the impressive Sehitlik-Mosque. Even though the feedback-sheets are not all in, we can say that the tour was highly successful. Participants were able to get answers to many of their questions regarding similar issues in Kyrgyzstan and Germany as well as experience Berlin as an open and multicultural space where even Kyrgyz language will be understood.