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Survey: Online Project Management for donor organizations
Currently, we are working on an online platform that will make the actual project management of your projects much more efficient and at the same time…
CRISP offers Online Training on Peaceful Conflict Transformation in August-September this year!
Between 25 August and 8 September CRISP will offer its first online training. In the training on Peaceful Conflict Transformation we would like to…
CRISP 2020-21: Strategy Meeting
We had a great start to the new year: from the 21st to the 22nd of January, we held our annual team strategy meeting, mapping out our activities and…
Newsletter October 2019
Another three months have past and a lot of things have happened at CRISP.
New partnership in Nigeria
CRISP travelled to Nigeria to meet with its partner organization and stakeholders.
10 years of CRISP
We almost cannot believe it ourselves, but calendars are not lying and a look in the mirror also proves it: CRISP is 10. It has been an amazing…
Asante sana to all our Kenyan partners and friends!
Social Dialogue Ambassadors - Countering Violent Extremism in Kenya through Youth Involvement
Seminar on European Migration Policy in Morocco
On invitation by the Heinrich-Boell Foundation in Morocco we implemented our Simulation Game "SIMigration" for civil society representatives who are…
CRISP goes Africa!
Between 4th and 9th of March we conducted a Training of Mulitpliers in Nairobi, Kenya. Our teams of "Social Dialgoue Ambassadors" will now implement…