Andreas Muckenfuß

Founder & Director

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Quick facts
PERSONAL FOCUSPeace & Conflict, VR-Trainings and Anti-Corruption-Policies
REGIONAL FOCUSMiddle East, South-America and Germany
LANGUAGE SKILLS German (mother-toungue), English (fluent), Spanish (fluent), Portuguese (a bit)
Short Bio

He was born and raised in the little town of Bad Urach in the heart of the Swabian Alb. After finishing secondary school he went to Chile in order to do a social service at the Fundación Cristo Vive. This was a formative period of his life and he was encouraged to work independently.

When he came back to Germany he began his studies in Public Administration at the University of Potsdam, and made Kreuzberg/Neukölln the center of his life. His final thesis was entitled Fighting in Corruption in Post-Conflict-Countries - Kosovo.

During that time he became one of the driving forces in adjusting the simulation game method to other circumstances and needs and to specialize in the field of conflict transformation. Consequently he was one of the founding members of CRISP and is one of its directors until today.

More about Andreas