CRISP - Trainings


Climate and Security Training for International Diplomats

On February 14th, we had the chance to carry out a training for 18 young diplomats – each from a different country – within the framework of the “Training for Young International Diplomats” program of the German Federal Foreign Office.

Quick facts




Berlin, Germany


18 young international diplomats

This year – in line with the Foreign Office’s policies, the focus was on the climate and security nexus. Specific emphasis was put on the discussions around this topic within the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). The different nations’ varying points of view on the issue along with different and sometimes even opposing (geo-) political interests lay at the heart of the discussions and negotiations of the simulation game.

A fictional conflict at the heart of Central Asia was at the centre of the simulation that we implemented for the first time in this training. Participants were given the role of a representative for a specific country and had to discuss within a UNSC setting what measures were to be taken in response to this conflict. In negotiations they formed alliances and within the council forum a resolution was formulated. In a second round the negotiations and discussions towards the resolution revolved around the question if the link between climate change and security should be drawn within the UNSC and if so, what consequences that would have for the work of the council.

The 18 participants were very engaged and took home valuable learnings with regards to climate change and security.

Project Goals
  • Better understanding of relationship between climate and security.
  • Better understanding of the United Nations Security Council with regards to climate and security, its processes and roles with regards to the topic.
Target Groups

Young diplomats


The project could be realized thanks to the kind support of the German Federal Foreign Ministry