CRISP - Trainings


Certificate Training on Conflict-Sensitive Journalism

From September 25th to 28th, 2023, CRISP, in partnership with the OSCE Academy, hosted a Certificate Training on Conflict Sensitive Journalism. This training program integrated a diverse range of sessions, lectures, simulation games, and hands-on media production activities.

Quick facts
DURATION25.09.2023 Until 28.09.2023
LOCATIONSBishkek, Kyrgyzstan


The training aimed to provide participants with a profound understanding of journalism's role in shaping narratives and influencing conflict dynamics. Participants explored the core elements of conflict studies, enabling them to critically examine the ethical dimensions of reporting on conflict situations.

Under the expert guidance of our colleague Oliver Wiechmann, Senior Consultant, at CRISP and Elira Turdubaeva, the Head of the Journalism and Mass Communications Program at International Ala-Too University in Kyrgyzstan, participants engaged in discussions and practical exercises. These activities not only enhanced their theoretical knowledge but also allowed them to put their skills into practice by addressing and covering conflict situations.

As the training concluded, participants left equipped with insights and tools to navigate the complex landscape of conflict-sensitive journalism, aiming to contribute positively to their media communities. 


This project was designed and implemented in close cooperation with