We are starting a new project in Georgia called “CEEM - Civic Education with Emancipatory Methods” and will very soon announce the call for applications to participate in it. The project is seeking to enable high school students to deal with social conflicts on the base of critical thinking and informed opinions and increase the ability of Georgian teachers to work on social conflicts. CRISP, Civic Education Teachers Forum (CETF) and AITSONA DAITSONA decided to offer new methodologies, such as a simulation gaming and emancipatory children theatre for teachers to make the educational process more interactive and effective.
During two days of the kick-off meeting all organizational questions have been clarified and we even managed to do some teambuilding online. The project will last the whole school year, so we will add more updates on the run.
Find more information here: here should be a link to the activity about CEEM, I will upload it in another card now