Our Ukrainian project “SIMschool – Teaching Human Rights with Simulation Games” is actively ongoing, despite current turbulences worldwide. For that, we have split our second training into two parts: online and offline.
At first, we have spent two intense days in Zoom to familiarize our participants with the simulation game method and how the method can be applied in school environment. We played a short version of our game “Anopolis” and even in the online format, everyone could really feel their role and get the fire from the game flow! After some theoretical part on how to create their own games, the participants moved forward to the actual game design.
The work continued outside of Zoom, and by the beginning of our offline training, the materials of two simulation games were ready. We have played both and collected the feedback in order to fine-tune them. Right now our participants – teachers and civil society actors – are testing these games at schools and getting the impressions of the pupils.
We are glad to keep contributing to human rights education in Ukraine and are looking forward for our third final ToT later this month!