Middle East/ Northern Africa

Closing SET-Project-Series in Egypt

We celebrated our project-series SET (2012 - 2018) in Egypt. Together with more than 200 guests, we reviewed the last exiting six years and presented the new entity Nadi El Mohake Foundation (Simulation Gamers Club, Egypt) to the public.

Our Simulating Egyptian Transition (SET) project series came to an end and now it is the time for our participants to take over full responsibility for their civil engagement under the newly established entity Nadi El Mohakah Foundation. Since 2012 to the present, Center of Development Services (CDS) and CRISP, have been working together to support the creation of a sustainable and prosperous Egypt where all the actors in the community celebrate their diversity and enjoy peaceful coexistence. 
Throughout this journey, we reached more than 8.000 direct beneficiaries, we exerted a lot of efforts and made several partnerships among civil society actors, but also with change-makers from other sectors, such as civil society, media, private sector, and government.

The closing ceremony started by the welcome speeches of Mr. Ali Mokhtar, Executive Director of the Development Service Centre, Mr. Andreas Mukenfuss, Director of CRISP and Mr. Shunky Simon, Deputy Head of Mission Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Egypt, Mr. Hisham Khalil, Director of Programs at the Centre of Development Service, and Mr. Kazem Hemeida, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Nadi El Mohakah. During the event, Mr. Kazem Hemeida presented the vision, mission, the fields of activities and the achievements of Nadi El Mohakah. He also introduced the members of the board, Hussam Hemida, Asmaa Galal, Ahmed Al Saidy, Esmat Bardahony, Maha El Bana, and Naglaa Fathy.

Mr. Sönke Siemon from the German Embassy in Cairo, acknowledged CRISP and CDS for all the devoted efforts that allowed youth from geographically distant governorates to have their voice heard and be an add to their local community, and also the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Youth for their support to this initiative. He has also indicated that all of this wasn’t possible without the participants themselves.

The participants introduced the five (5) themes that are representing their initiatives which are women empowerment, youth empowerment, health, education, and childhood. They also presented the simulation games they have implemented throughout the year, namely, Ahl Heissa, and El Rehla. The guests had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with NMF activities and they also had conversations with the participants and discussed the possible cooperation with them in the future. The ceremony was ended by the guests’ questions and recommendations for Nadi El Mohakah.

This was a moment when our participants had the opportunity to showcase their work, their vision and how they fulfilled it. Under the umbrella of Nadi El Mohakah, there are 3 different pillars which are simulation games, community development initiatives, and safe co-working spaces. Set 5 project aimed at reinforcing the active citizenship meanings among youth and consequently empower them to lead the social change in their local community. In the course of the project we reached out 15 different Egyptian governorates.

Creating an active and socially aware network of young women and men under the umbrella of the Sim Club, offers an opportunity for SET 5 project to achieve its target, and to enable youth to establish their own experience exchange platform; Nadi El Mohakah, through which they can consolidate their efforts in conveying messages of awareness of diversity, youth inclusion and participation.