Our first project in sub-Saharan Africa took the next step: On the base of a comprehensvie conflict analysis conducted by our partners from "Africa Peace Forum" we developed a simulation game highlighting the current challanges in the field of violent religious extremism in Kenya. The simulation is all about finding new approaches to tackle this sensitive issue locally on the ground. In the framework of a training of multpliers, we gathered partcipants from six Kenyan counties, which are highly affected by religious radicalization, in Nairobi in order to pass on the method to them. The participants showed a huge level of commitment and will now as a next step implement the simulation game in their local communities. We are already looking forward to come back to Nairobi in May, to listen to their experiences and results.
Certificate Training at OSCE Academy Highlights Practical Solutions for Conflict Transformation
The program equiped Central Asian professionals with innovative peacebuilding tools to address regional challenges effectively.