Since years we are facing the challenge that many projects and activities in a certain country are not coordinated among the implementing organizations. We have been lobbying for a while, to make donors understand that it is actually their responsibility to organize possibilities to allow an exchange among the different implementing organizations in one country. Unfortunately, besides some singly exceptions, this request hasn't been dealt with.
So we decided to do it ourselves. Together with partnering organizations inmedio [Berlin] and CSSP [Berlin], we invited representatives of organzations that are also active in Ukraine. During the first meeting we firstly updated each other about the different projects. In a next step, we will try to find options, how to link the different approaches, in order to maximize the overall impact.
Besides us and "inmedio" and "CSSP", also project-coordinators from "forumZFD", "owen", "German-Russian-Exchange" and "Caritas-Ukraine" were present. We definitely want to continue this networking approach and we hope to welcome even more organizations next time.