CRISP - Simulation game

Simulation game

Lakuna - Interfaith Dialogue


Civil society actors, Youth


Conflict Transformation, Democracy & Participation


Beginner, Experienced


4-6 hours, > 6 hours

Number of participants

12-20, 20-30





The simulation game focuses on exploring the topics of inter-faith dialogue, inter-group conflict and institutional discrimination. Situated in the fictional country of Lakuna, the participants are asked to come up with an inclusive solution for the use of a space in the city, which is claimed by religious and other interest groups. The simulation provides the participants with a space to reflect on the root causes of the tensions displayed and come up with various proposals to address these issues using the different perspectives of the represented actors.

Scenario and Procedure

The simulation game takes place in Lakuna, a fictional land populated by a majority of Buddhist citizens and a minority of Sikh. The Sikh minority faces different forms of discrimination, the last of which is an incident where a schoolgirl was bullied for wearing a turban, a form of Sikh religious expression. Another dispute escalates over a piece of land where a Sikh temple used to exist but over time turned into an informal street market.

With these disputes gaining media attention, the Mayor of Lakuna calls for a conference gathering different stakeholders from all parties to address these issues and come up with proposals to build bridges between Buddhists and Sikhs for a more harmonious living in Lakuna.


The simulation game aimsto contribute to a youth-oriented peace-building and non-violent conflict transformation. It sensitizesparticipantson the topics of Inter-faith dialogue by portraying different elements of interfaith tensions and providing them the chance to understand different perspectives and establish a peaceful and constructive dialogue between people with diverse religious and cultural backgrounds.

Learing Goals
  • Understanding the context and dynamics of faith-based inter-group conflicts
  • Enhancing sensibility for discriminatory practices and develop ways of preventing them
  • Developingcomprehensiveand inclusive problem-solving approaches