Target Group
The workshops were mainly dedicated to pupils of secondary school between 15 and 17 years. However, we were also working with young politicians who are willing to run for Local Councils in 2020. The impact of the workshops were enormous in several regards: all participants (finally) learned about the different, existing mechanisms for citizen participation and through the experience-based learning toll of simulation games could test and shape their soft skills. We wish them all the best and we are already looking forward to the day when the participants will actually use the mechanisms for political participation for real.
Project Goals
The main goal of the workshops series was to raise the awareness about the already existing mechanisms for citizen participation in Chile. Due to the simulation game the motivation of the pupils to learn and understand the different possibilities of citizens taking part in legal decision-making-processes was largely improved and thus the overall learning effect was very high.
Some of the regular teachers couldn't believe their eyes when they saw their own pupils enjoying the method of simulation gaming. Furthermore, we passed on the tailor-made simulation game (Los Álamos) to local trainers of non-formal education, in order to have even greater impact in the future. Both goals were fully reached, and we are very happy to have had the chance to implement these activities in cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation.