CRISP - Project


Simulating Egyptian Transition

The project aimed to support the ongoing democratic transformation process in Egypt. By promoting democratic values and civic education among young people, we encouraged and enabled them to participate in the transformation process in a critical but foremost constructive way. Empowering civil society, so they can take over a crucial role in the new political system, was the overall goal of this project and its follow-ups.

Quick facts


June - December 2012


Cairo, Nile Delta region, Upper Egypt




400 approx.                                       

As in our former projects the core element of this project is a simulation game, treating one of the current social conflicts in Egypt (to be agreed on). Generally we emphasize the training-of-trainers module this year, in order to empower youth workers and trainers in the field of civic education in the method of simulation gaming – in a follow-up project 2013 these trainers will be able to conduct their own simulation games with their own target groups on topics they chose themselves.

Target Group

According to the different goals, this project was focusing on two different target groups: a) The trainers/ToT participants. As this project builds on local capacities we called for members or colleagues of our partner organizations who were interested in enlarging their toolkit and wanted to learn another method. b) Young interested people (18-30 years old) The core activity of this project was a 7-day-seminar, including the first simulation game. For this purpose we called for young people from 18 to 30 years to participate. In this regard we further aim for a group of people with diverse background, in terms of region, sex, religion, age, organizations etc.

Project Goals

1. Promoting democracy and pluralism the project aimed to promote basic democratic values like tolerance, freedom of speech, and power sharing, as well as the understanding of democratic procedures and its possibilities for active participation. In the course of this project the participants discussed, how they themselves could participate actively in the national political transformation process. The project was highly outcome oriented, meaning it pursues practical, constructive and sound proposals for solutions to the simulated social/political problem.

2. Understanding of political processes Through the simulation game, the dynamics and procedures of the currently ongoing transformation processes were experienced by the participants. Moreover they gained deeper insights into the interests, relationships and strategies of the involved stakeholders. By this, the participants got a better understanding of the political processes that are at work in transformation countries 3. Capacity Building Through the training-of-trainers on the simulation game, young and active trainers from Egypt got to know a new and innovative tool for their work.


This project is funded by ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen) with resources provided by the German Federal Foreign Office