Target Group
Egyptian youth between 20 and 35 years old from various backgrounds, professions, regions, religions, and genders form the target group. The core activity of the SET-IV-Project is the identification, design and implementation of real-life initiatives. Based upon the previously created “Vision for Egypt 2025” (in 2015) and upon the respective networks among actors from the public, religious, media, civil society and the private sectors, we aim to design and implement joint activities (initiatives).
Project Goals
The project aims to contribute to a more peaceful society in Egypt where people live the main concept of the “Vision for Egypt 2025” and base their decisions on five values: Honesty, Equality, Social Justice, Freedom and Humanity. This shall be achieved by creating opportunities for constructive participation and peaceful coexistence on-the-ground. The main framework of this project is the common and shared “Vision for Egypt 2025”, which we hope not only spread, but also to go one-step further and start making this vision reality.