CRISP - Simulation Game

Simulation Game

Strengthening Ethical Governance in Serbia

On December 10th, 2024, CRISP, in cooperation with the OSCE Serbia Mission, successfully conducted the “Liburnia” simulation game with members of the Serbian Ethics Commission at Hotel Zira, Belgrade.

Quick facts
DURATION10.12.2024 Until 10.12.2024
LOCATIONSBelgrade, Serbia
PARICIPANTSmembers of the Serbian Ethics Commission and OSCE Mission to Serbia 


The full-day exercise placed participants in real-world-inspired scenarios to tackle issues such as nepotism, media bias, AI surveillance misuse, and foreign influence. Through immersive role-playing, Ethics Commission members alternated roles, fostering empathy, strategy development, and innovative solutions.

The exercise concluded with a reflection phase where participants shared insights, recognized challenges, and expressed optimism about using the strategies in the game in real life. Simulation games like “Liburnia” provide a safe space to explore decisions, navigate polarized environments, and cultivate actionable strategies for ethical leadership.

A big thank you to the OSCE Serbia Mission and all participants for their commitment to strengthening democratic integrity and governance!


This workshop was implemented in close cooperation with