CRISP recently conducted a three-day workshop on complexity management for state employees of the German state of Thüringen. We introduced the group to the concept of complexity and established a common understanding of the characteristics of complexity. We underlined the difference between complex and complicated. We employed the simulation game Großbürgerhausen to illuminate the complexity of a situation in which diverse actors are pursuing diverse needs.
The participants were also educated in the Cinefyn Framework, which was developed by David Snowden and clarifies the differences between simple, complicated, complex and chaotic situations. They identified overarching themes and issues in their work, and by using the framework, were able to sort them by category. The participants learned methods such as inquiry, safe-to-fail experimentation and adaptive action to understand and tackle the complex elements of their own working environment. They worked together create action plans for alleviating some of the pressures associated with their complex work tasks and responsibilities. In addition, in order to experience complexity in action, the participants took part in a simulation game.
Project Goals / Content
The goal of the course was to introduce the participants to the concept of complexity, to teach them skills to deal with complex situations in order to increase their skills and competencies in leadership.
Target Groups
The participants were state employees from various agencies of the German state of Thüringen. The workshop was part of an 18-month continuing education course for state employees who are increasing their leadership responsibilities at work.