Dear partners and friends,
finally, 2020 is over and we all hope for better times this year. Despite the challenges due to the worldwide COVID-19-Restrictions, we managed to adjust our activities and to continue our work.
In this regard we have transferred some of our services into the virtual space and this way were able to offer online formats, such as a Simulation-Board Game on “Energetic Urban Development”, a series of online trainings on “Peaceful Conflict Transformation”, an online consultancy on Organizational Development in Kyrgyzstan, or an online simulation game on “Climate Change” for the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR)
Moreover, we have been working on several ideas for 2021 and beyond and are sarting the new year highly motivated and are looking forward to continue our work on the grounds hopefully very soon.
Enjoy this newsletter and feel free to get in touch with us, whenever you think there is a chance for closer cooperation.
Best regards
The CRISP-Team