Women empowerment supports the development of society in many ways, in true sense a society cannot considered developed if not the both genders contribute in accordance with their potentials. This simulation game is exposing the participants to the concept of gender equality through discussing different topics and rights related to women. The simulation game is challenging the perspectives of the participants and allowing them to put themselves in the shoes of someone else.
Scenario & Procedure
A village called “Hessa” is deprived of educational, health, environmental and other community needs, that was one of the main reasons that forced many families in the village to go to surrounding villages to get these services. In the village of “Hessa”, according to traditions, men are privileged in most rights such as inheritance, education, age of marriage, and those with power and influence who control various aspects in the village. The conflict in the village of “Hessa” is a historic conflict vested in one of the biggest families in this village. It started when one female grandchild began to study, supported by her father. This young woman’s ambition helped her complete her higher studies until she reached the highest positions and became a member of Parliament. This young woman comes back to the village after her father death and from here different events take place and several actions should be taken.
The events in the simulation game revolve around the discussion and conflict between the people of the village to the difference of their views on the social problems facing their village especially those related to gender equality and how to find solutions to them. Challenges are represented in community participation and education of women and their right to inheritance and reproductive health. With the passage of events, change occurs among the village residents. The main objective is to highlight the rights and challenges of women and emphasize the importance of social participation and integration of women in the society.
Learning Goals
- Raising awareness about the importance of Gender Equality through enhancing knowledge about the benefits and importance of equality and its positive impact on individuals, families and community
- Changing perspectives of the roles of both genders in the society and the misconception of power relation between them
- Changing the stereotypes of Male’s dominance in the society through demonstrating the challenges that women face. For example: early marriage, women rights in inheritance and women rights to work and to be a change agent in her society