CRISP - Project


Simulating Egyptian Transition

The SET project series aims to transform stereotypes and mindsets to reduce conflicts between different groups and regions in Egypt.

Quick facts


15.02.2018 – 31.12.2018


15 different governorates in Egypt


60 participants


5.000 approx.

The project is mainly based on the theory of change that through initiative building as a tool to promote youth community engagement and active citizenship, youth can become agents of development and positive impact as well as ambassadors of the values of peaceful coexistence. This project is planning to build strong coalitions of actors from different sectors across the Egyptian governorates, which will significantly contribute to greater social cohesion through the successful implementation and sustainability of the youth's proposed initiatives. During the previous projects we elaborated a comprehensive vision for the future of Egypt, based on workshops in 10 different governorates from all over Egypt, with circa 300 participants. Together, we agreed on the following motto: “We want to attain a peacefully coexistent community, guaranteeing justice for all, offering equal opportunities, celebrating diversity through raising awareness and activating rightful legislations.”

Target Group

Corresponding with the 5 values of the vision, we developed 5 Working-packages. All Working-Packages target mainly already existing networks of local CSOs and multipliers/trainers of non-formal education, and authorities from different region of Egypt. Together with them, the project intends to reach out to particularly youth, women and marginalized groups as indirect beneficiaries.

Project Goals

In order to the overall vision of peaceful living together, we want to continue the realization of the previously developed vision 2025. Therefore, this project aims to contribute to a valued-based long-lasting change within the Egyptian society as such. During our previous activities, we started to focus on these five values: humanity, equality, honesty, social justice and freedom. Since then we are committed to realize this ambitious goal(s). We are focused on increasing the full impact of the project activities, that is taking place through following a cross-sectoral approach by including stakeholders from business, media, religion and local authorities during the local implementation phases. By forming these alliances, the project enables a linking process between key actors, aiming for more participation. On the long run, increased participation will lead to a higher level of accountability and thus support our above outlined vision. CRISP emphasizes the cooperation with local partner organizations. Therefore, CRISP dedicates great parts of its work to joint project planning, including a transfer of the project results into sustainable frameworks. Further, the projects also serve as a communication platform, where people with diverse backgrounds get together, in order to share experiences and start collaboration.



This project was designed and implemented in close cooperation with


This project is funded by ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen) with resources provided by the German Federal Foreign Office