All News

Hidden Memories – Follow-up: new educational approach to the topic of Maidan in Ukrainian schools
We are happy to finally launch the second phase of our Ukrainian project “Hidden Memories”! Back in 2017 we developed a mobile app that offered…

Survey: Online Project Management for donor organizations
Currently, we are working on an online platform that will make the actual project management of your projects much more efficient and at the same time…

CRISP offers Online Training on Peaceful Conflict Transformation in August-September this year!
Between 25 August and 8 September CRISP will offer its first online training. In the training on Peaceful Conflict Transformation we would like to…

Human Rights Education in Ukraine: the First Training of Trainers within SIMschool Project
Together with our partners EdCamp, we have spent last week of February in Kharkiv, Ukraine conducting the first Training of Trainers within the…

CRISP 2020-21: Strategy Meeting
We had a great start to the new year: from the 21st to the 22nd of January, we held our annual team strategy meeting, mapping out our activities and…

Newsletter October 2019
Another three months have past and a lot of things have happened at CRISP.

Quo vadis Ukraine?
High experts group tried to answer the question, where Ukraine is going in light of the election year

Documentary: Hidden Memories
The video-documentary about our project HIDDEN MEMORIES, an audio-installation that contributes to the culture of remembrance regarding the events on…

Volunteer from Ukraine for 1 Year in Berlin
We are looking for a volunteer from Ukraine to join our team for one year within European Solidarity Corps (former EVS). The planned date of start is…

As this year’s PCC program comes to an end we are also celebrating the closure of our 4 year commitment to training our Peace and Conflict…