> 6 hours

Quo vadis Ukraine?

What are possible scenarios for its development in the near future?

The efforts of stopping violent clashes in eastern Ukraine have so far rarely been successful. The current situation is still fragile and further combats remain probable. Moreover, the question of possible future scenarios for Ukraine has to be raised: What would a viable agreement look like that receives sufficient support and at the same time establishes sustainable structures which enable Ukrainians a peaceful coexistence? What sort of accord can be made regarding Crimea and does a federal system pose a chance or a risk? The simulation game deals with those and further questions.

Scenario & Procedure

The simulation game starts with the status quo and simulates the next twelve months. The participants slip into the roles of key actors of the conflict. The actors selected correspond to the real ones, dispose of the same resources, and have the same objectives. During the simulation game the participants try to identify the different interests and arrange them in order to eventually create a roadmap that describes a possible future scenario for Ukraine. The game is based on multiple rounds meaning that in case there is no decision or consensus at the end, the simulation finishes with the last developments of negotiations.


The simulation game starts with the status quo and simulates the next twelve months. The participants slip into the roles of key actors of the conflict. The actors selected correspond to the real ones, dispose of the same resources, and have the same objectives. During the simulation game the participants try to identify the different interests and arrange them in order to eventually create a roadmap that describes a possible future scenario for Ukraine. The game is based on multiple rounds meaning that in case there is no decision or consensus at the end, the simulation finishes with the last developments of negotiations.

Learning Goals
  • Creating a future scenario for Ukraine
  • Discovering and handling conflict dynamics
  • Identifying the different actors' options in the conflict in Ukraine