On 26 July, the online seminar "Participation of children and adolescents in the constituent process" took place, organised by Defensoría de la Niñez in the framework of its institutional project "My Voice in the Constitution".
The event, which was attended by more than 340 people and was greeted by Defensoria de la Niñez, gave an overview of the project during its period of operation, with its various milestones, activities, dissemination material and results, in terms of achieving effective participation of children and adolescents in the process of creating the new Constitution.
This introduction was followed by the presentations of the invited panellists, who spoke on the subject from their different perspectives and experiences during the year in which the Constitutional Convention was in operation.
Nicolás Soto, Assistant Coordinator of the project "Presents: Adolescents for the Constituent Process", described the methodology, objectives of the project and the main balances and results of the participation of children and adolescents in the simulation game workshops developed during the year 2021 and the first half of 2022.
Diego Gómez, a 17-year-old adolescent who participated in the Presentes project, shared his experience in the project, highlighting the importance of children and adolescents’ participation in the constitutional process.
Also participating in the event were Rosario Palacios, researcher of the project "Voices of children and adolescents for the constituent process"; Ignacio Maldonado from Elige Educar, who spoke on behalf of Acción Colectiva por la Educación and its project "Tenemos que Hablar de Educación" (We need to talk about education); Paula Pacheco, supervisor of UNICEF's Social Policy programme area; and Harry Grayde, executive director of World Vision, who shared his experience in relation to the participation and active citizenship of children and adolescents in this historic process.
If you want to watch the talk you can access the following link: Conversatorio: La participación de la niñez y adolescencia en elproceso constituyente