Online Course

Shooting days for the GIZ Yemen Conflict Transformation Course

Very exciting shooting days spent by our team preparing educational videos for Yemeni Youth for a Conflict Transformation Course.

We are very excited to announce that for the last couple of days we have been shooting the 8 modules for the online course on conflict transformation targeting Yemeni youth. The 8-module interactive course will be available in English and Arabic language and will put high emphasis on local context, customs, and culture, thus enabling participants to reflect on global approaches through Yemeni-specific cases and examples.  

Upon finalization of the scripts and the content creation for the course, our team headed to the studio and started shooting the modules one by one. After a couple hundred takes and many ‘Achtung!’s, we have shot all the needed content for the educational videos explaining key content of the modules. Our designers now will edit the videos shot to produce the final product!

Stay tuned for more updates regarding this progress of the different phases of this exciting project.