The participants of the study visit were teachers, social pedagogies, and employees of educational and cultural ministries who are actively building peace processes in different parts of Kyrgyzstan. Their great achievement is the initiative to create IPD - Institute for Peace and Development and "Peace Clubs" in schools, where they teach children of different ages to conflict mediation and peacebuilding.
The diverse and intense program included visits to Berlin schools where conflict mediation is successfully developing (Tesla-Schule and Humboldthain-Grundschule), a visit to the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (BpB), where the team got acquainted with the experience of civic education of schoolchildren, a visit to the office of the Network for Democracy and many others.
One of the most desirable and exciting meetings was the acquaintance with the Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan to Germany, during which the team talked about the success of the Peace Clubs in Kyrgyzstan, as well as listened to the role and achievements of the Embassy in the development of socio-economic relations between Germany and Kyrgyzstan.
We are incredibly pleased that we were able to arrange a warm visit to Berlin for our guests and are impressed by their perseverance and dedication to changing the views of young people on democratic processes in their country by creating "peace clubs" and becoming a proactive part of the transformation of society.