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Newsletter October 2018
Here you find the summary of our activities during the last three months
HakhodHa’ay - I will take my Right
HakhodHa’ay is an initaitive against Gender-Based-Violence that was developed and implemented in the course of our project SET-5.
Peace and Conflict Consultants Kyrgyzstan: 2nd Seminar
26 Kyrgyz participants gathered again to develop peacebuilding initiatives for their communities.
New simulation game "Omaria" implemented for the first time
As part of the “Training for International Diplomats”, 16 young diplomats from Latin America and the Caribbean took part in our simulation game at the…
Milestone: Nadi El Mohake becoming an independent network
CRISP, the Center for Development Services (CDS) and the Simulation Gamers Club Egypt (SimClub) came together for a workshop on “fundraising and…
Taberlingen in the news - Workshop for IPS Fellows
In reaction to the current events and developments in Europe, we have updated our Simulation Game Taberlingen, that deals with the question of…
Workshop Civil Military Cooperation
For the “Leadership Academy” of the German Army (Bundeswehr) we conducted a Workshop on improving civil-military cooperation.
Simulation Game on Gender Equality in Egypt
The development of a new game by Nadi El Mohakah and starting of the cooperation with local authority (the Ministry of Youth and Sports).
Publication: Simulation Games in Peacebuilding
The current political landscapes are changing fastly. From this derives the need for peacebuilders to develop a more strategic approach to their…
Office Warming Party
Thank you to all friends and partners for attending our office warming party and congratulations on the 10th anniversary!
New colleague Nathalie
We are very glad to welcome our new project coordinator Natalie Rücker who joined us this August and will support our numerous projects.
Our new assistant: Valerie Laukat
During the period between July and September we have support from Valerie who is doing a great job in assisting us in doing research for our…
Evaluation and Reflection in Bishkek
As our activities in the frame of the cooperation with DVV Kyrgyzstan are coming to an end, we have conducted an evaluation and reflection seminar in…
Abstract: International Cooperation
Information about CRISP´s work in the international cooperation at a glance.
Peace and Conflict Consultants Kyrgyzstan
In June, 26 Kyrgyz participants started their training to become Peace and Conflict Consultants.