As part of the second edition of the project “Capitalizing on the Human Dimension Mandate to Advance Gender Equality” (CHANGE), CRISP implemented a 2-day simulation game on gender equality in politics. The simulation game was a part of a 5-day training in which young female politicians were provided with insights into the democratic processes, women’s political participation, as well as violence against women in politics. The simulation game included all of this area offering the opportunity to negotiate and discuss gender equality strategies in politics among divergent parties, raise awareness about and address existing gender-based stereotypes in the society and politics.
Project Goals
The overall goal of the simulation game is to practice skills needed for successful campaigning and government formation, while advancing gender equality, women’s and human rights and women’s as well as minority groups’ safety.
Target Group(s)
We worked with young women from Poland, Georgia, North Macedonia, and Uzbekistan, who are members of political parties in the government or regional/local governments. All of them bring previous experience in running national, regional or local elections, or are member of civil initiatives running for elections.
Planned Outcomes/Achievements
CRISP was happy to contribute to advancing young women’s career in politics and dealing with the pressing topic of gender equality with a simulation game. The training aimed at improving negotiation skills, knowledge and capacities of young women in elected public offices at all levels on decision-making.