CRISP - Project


Time for Refugees

Working with trauma and supporting (re-)integration into local communities of Ukrainian and Georgian women affected by Russian wars.

Quick facts
DURATION01.04.2023 Until 31.12.2023
LOCATIONSTbilisi, Georgia
PARTICIPATNS30 Georgian and Ukrainian women


The project reacts to the aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and its psychological effects on Ukrainian female refugees in Georgia. It also involves Georgian women who experienced Russia’s war in 2008. The project recognizes the interrelated challenges of psychological trauma and social dislocation and takes a comprehensive approach to address them, with the goal of empowering affected individuals and communities. It aims to provide both groups with mental health services and resources for trauma healing through self- and collective care. Three levels of interventions will support 30 Georgian and Ukrainian women. By providing support for trauma healing and empowerment, this project aims to contribute to the long-term well-being and resilience of the affected women and communities.

Project Goals
  • Improved well-being and mental health for women affected by war and displacement.
  • Enhanced community integration and empowerment for women affected by war and displacement.
Target Group(s)

War-affected women refugees/IDPs from Georgia and Ukraine. The project includes particularly those who may face additional barriers to accessing services or support: women with disabilities, single mothers, and those from minority ethnic or linguistic backgrounds.

Planned Outcomes/Achievements

The project utilizes several approaches and methodologies. First, participants will go through the Mindfulness Program. Mindfulness-Based Trauma Recovery for Refugees (MBTR-R) is a 9-week, mindfulness-based, trauma-sensitive, and socio-culturally adapted, group intervention for refugees and asylum seekers. It focuses on mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques and helps participants to develop their emotional regulation skills, manage stress and anxiety, and improve their overall mental well-being.
Right after, the Co-Counselling Program starts, which offers peer-to-peer support for participants to share experiences in a safe and supportive space. Participants will engage in narrative reflection on various topics such as mental health, grief, and creating support networks.
Having prepared a solid base for self- and peer support, participants will take part in the final part of the project – Community Integration and Empowerment Training. The training program builds upon the MBTR-R and Co-Counseling Programs by providing participants with tools and resources to (re-)integrate into their communities and move forward with their lives. It includes a tailor-made simulation game and a chain reaction exercise to foster a sense of community and shared responsibility. The program focuses on trauma-sensitive integration, developing a sense of belonging, and encouraging participants to become active members of their communities.
As a result, we aim to improve the wellbeing and mental health of women affected by war and displacement as well as foster their community integration.


This workshop was implemented in close cooperation with


The project could be realized thanks to the kind support of the German Federal Foreign Office