All News
Meeting the Minister
Support from the Ministry of Political and Parliamentary Affairs in Jordan for our project ‘A Vision for Jordanian Youth 2030’
Conflict transformation training with diplomats from the Western Balkans
In the scope of the training for international diplomats (German Federal Foreign Office) in Berlin, CRISP has implemented the Simulation Game, Kodori,…
National Youth Policy in Bahrain
CRISP goes Bahrain: our first activity in the Gulf region.
A Vision for Jordan
For the first time, 19 participants from 4 different governorates across Jordan came together to develop the first Jordanian simulation game.
Simulation Game on Local Councils in Egypt
In July we developed the very first Simulation Game on Local Councils in Egypt in cooperation with Nadi El Mohake.
Advanced Training in Peace Project Design
We are steadily progressing in the Kyrgyz project
Seminar on Complexity Management in Thüringen
Twelve state employees learned about complexity theory and management.
Job Advertisement
Currently we are looking for a student assistant who supports our public relations department. Moreover, that person should also have some skills and…
External Financial Auditing
CRISP is growing not only in terms of project activities and staff, but also when it comes to our annual turnover. That is why, we decided to open our…
Berlin Summer Dialogue 2019 - The role of external actors in the MENA region
From 18th - 19th of June, CRISP participated in the “Berlin Summer Dialogue 2019 Post-Conflict Reconstruction: A Window of Opportunity? The role of…
Civic Education Simulation for Georgian Schools 1st Training
Civic Education teachers from all over Georgia came together to learn about simulation gaming.
New ESC from Ukraine
Anastasiia Halyko joins the CRISP team as a member of the European Solidarity Corps.
Women Focused Networks first training in Georgia
Women participants from Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan came together for the first training of the project Women Focused Networks South Caucasus.
CRISP goes Vietnam
Last month we had the pleasure to implement a simulation game for the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam (DAV) in cooperation with Konrad Adenauer…