The project “Auswärtsspiel” (Away game) explores the various interrelations of video games and foreign policy, so the interview focuses on the intersection between gaming and foreign policy, exploring how digital games can play a role in understanding and addressing diplomatic challenges.
During the interview, Andreas shared his thoughts on several key topics. Firstly, he addressed the main concerns related to his work at CRISP e.V. Secondly, he discussed the significant potential of (digital) simulation games in addressing foreign policy topics and issues. Finally, he highlighted the specific questions from the 'Auswärtsspiel' project that hold particular relevance for (digital) simulation games and provided explanations for their significance.
These thought-provoking discussions have resulted in the development of a Leitfragenkatalog (catalog of guiding questions). This comprehensive framework provides a robust foundation for exploring the potential of digital games in the realm of foreign policy.
Furthermore, the successful organization of the 'Fachkonferenz "Gaming und Außenpolitik"' (Conference on Gaming and Foreign Policy) serves as a platform to foster collaboration among experts, practitioners, and gaming enthusiasts, promoting a greater understanding of how gaming can shape and influence foreign policy decisions.