
PeaceGame 2.0 Test Run

Last week, together with participants from universities and partner organizations from Berlin, we tested our PeaceGame 2.0, our AI-supported simulation on high level peace negotiations. 

On March 28, we conducted a test run of our PeaceGame 2.0, an expanded and AI-enhanced new version of our simulation game developed in partnership with the Principles for Peace Foundation (P4P). The 17 participants of the workshop were offered an immersive experience into the complexity of high-level peace negotiations, gaining insight into how real-world dynamics affect decision making in conflict settings.

Peacegaming is an interactive learning approach that uses scenario-based simulations to model and address complex problems related to peace and conflict. The Peacegame in this context employs a semi-fictional scenario of a peace review process (leading up to a second Peace Treaty Conference). It depicts a peace agreement that despite initial positive developments fell short of expectations and has been only partly successful in pacifying the conflict situation. The participants step into the role of diverse stakeholders from government, non-state armed groups, civil society, and international organisations, and are asked to come up with a common analysis of the underlying causes and missed opportunities.

The use of AI in this new version allow us to simulate a world environment in which reactions are based on the players' actions. This mimics the complexity of real-world dynamics and adds weight and relevance to decision making in conflict settings. The final version of our Peacegame 2.0 will be implemented for the first time on April 17th at Berlin Moot.