Digital Tools for Current Anti-Corruption Challenges
We developed a state-of-the-art training program designed to equip civil servants, civil society…
Certificate Training on Conflict-Sensitive Journalism
From September 25th to 28th, 2023, CRISP, in partnership with the OSCE Academy, hosted a Certificate…
OSCE-Academy "Peace and Conflict Training"
From September 17th to 21st, 2023, CRISP in collaboration with the OSCE Academy, conducted a…
Conducting Training of Trainers (ToTs) for professionals in Eswatini
CRISP recently organized two Training of Trainers (ToTs) sessions on September 11th and 18th for…
Professionalization of Peaceworkers
CRISP´s contribution to one of the most popular peacebuilding courses in Germany
Economic integration of women in Morocco
We were glad to cooperate with GIZ Morocco in the Ana Huna- أنا هنا - I am here- initiative as a…
Supporting German Educators in Their Work Around The Topic of Russian War in Ukraine
Right before the Christmas holidays, we had our last training in 2022. By the invitation of the…
A Just City Concept for Bishkek
A Workshop and Simulation game about urban participation in Bishkek and a “Just City Concept” for…
Wer Regiert Neuland with Migrant Activists
At the Summer 2022 implementation of the Simulation Game “Wer regiert Neuland?”, young politically…
Full-Time Course in Peace and Conflict Work
During the simulation the participants will have to deal with a post conflict situation in a…
Training on Climate Change and Conflict in Kyrgyzstan
On 4–7 October 2022, CRISP in cooperation with the OSCE Academy in Bishkek organized a Certificate…
Working With Narratives Around Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict
By invitation from International Alert, CRISP developed and facilitated a training for journalists…
Preparatory Training for the first-ever National Women ́s Conference for Peace in Cameroon
Within Friedrich Ebert Foundation’s efforts to support the peace process in Cameroon, CRISP…
CRISP at the Autumn Academy 2022 in Essen, Germany
A workshop on citizen participation in municipal education management. The development of…
National Youth Engagement in Bahrain
A workshop to promote youth engagement and to develop a joint roadmap for the inclusion of young…
Training of Trainers at the Helmut Schmidt Stiftung
In June we first introduced our updated “Wer regiert Neuland?” simulation game and WebApp to the…
Certificate Training Peace & Conflict at the OSCE Academy
From 16 to 20 May, CRISP in partnership with the OSCE Academy in Bishkek conducted the Certificate…
Certificate Training “Peace and Conflict” for OSCE Academy
From 4 till 9 October 2021, 19 participants from Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Mongolia…
Anti-Racism Workshop for Refugee-Support-Initiatives
What role does racism play in refugee work? Critical approaches to reflecting on your role in…
Working in Conflict-Sensitive Contexts
Here we focus on Methods of Conflict Transformation in their Practical Application. After we have…
CRISP Online Trainings
Based on our experience in different contexts, we set up a wide range of comprehensive online…
Do No Harm in Conflict Settings
How can we make sure our work contributes to peace instead of conflict? CRISP has successfully…
Complexity Management for Civil Servants
Between 13th and 15th of July, we had the opportunity to carry out a workshop on complexity…
Do No Harm in Conflict Settings – Revised Edition
How can we make sure our work contributes to peace instead of conflict?
After CRISP successfully…